The Garcia's!!!!!!!!!!!! |
The four generations of missionaries (from right to left, Hermana Cannon, Hermana Cain, Hermana Kennedy, Hermana Ayala)
This week's subject line is attributed to: HERMANA BRIGHTON. Why? Because this week was the longest and yet the shortest week ever. Here's your brief run down:
Monday: We had a great P-Day followed by a super cold lesson with two super awesome investigators that happen to be nice young men that are very offended that we can't enter their house without another woman. BUT, they read the Book of Mormon. Well, part of it. BUT, they're still investigating. And then we saw a less active who's boss is making it very difficult for them to get work off on Sundays. BUT, they're still doing super awesome and are trying to come back to church!
Tuesday: We had an interesting personal study. Hermanas Brighton and Bailey were on exchanges, so our apartment was filled with my companions, namely, Hermanas Brighton, Taua, and Ayala. And then, one of our investigators texted us wanting to talk to Hermana Ayala. It turned into a 9 page text confessing his deep abiding love for her that he felt since the moment he first laid eyes on her. Needless to say, we passed him off to the Elders because he's still interested in the church, we just don't want him to be interested in the sister missionaries... (And, ouch. I've been teaching him for a transfer. I guess I'm just not Hispanic enough.) Anyway, we had an awesome district council. We talked a lot about being led by the Spirit to know the Lord's will for you and where you are, and also teaching super simply as if we're teaching children. We're super excited to work with that this week. After that, we walked. And walked. And walked. And saw a family that's super awesome and gave us relief from the cold. Briefly. And then we walked. And walked. And talked. And bought some hot chocolate. And made phone calls. And ate dinner. (Pozole). And walked. And went home early because Hermana Ayala has been struck with every sickness known to man this week. Seriously. In the past four weeks she has had: a cold, the flu, a sinus infection, homesickness, a cough, anemia, and who knows what else. Pobrecita.
Wednesday: We stayed home during the day today to let Hermana Ayala rest, but we still went out for a little bit because a member was coming out with us. We picked up the member, went to our appointment, and got two new investigators! And then we went home so that Hermana Ayala could sleep.
Thursday: We did some service at the Salvation Army, and they let us take so much food home. It was delightful. There was ice cream. We had dinner with a member and drove to Tieton to see the Garcia's. They're officially moving to Vancouver BUT the church is right across from their home, so they're going to go! They also want the missionaries to continue teaching them! AND, THEIR SON (that they got involved in the lessons for) READ THE BOOK OF MORMON! HE DECIDED TO FIND A JOB AND GO BACK TO SCHOOL! THE GOSPEL CHANGES PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I died when I found that out. They're so awesome.
We were waiting in front of the mission office in the cold. Why not? |
Saturday: We did some awesome service raking leaves, and we got to jump in leaf piles! It was Hermana Ayala's first time, so of course it was awesome. After that, we went home, finished our weekly planning, practiced our musical number for a baptism that night, and went to the baptism. It was for a little girl who's learning to play the violin. So, I just had to find a violin. Hermanas Brighton, Bailey, y yo performed. I was on the violin, Hermana Bailey on keyboard, and Hermana Brighton on vocals. It turned out super well, until afterward when the parents pulled out the refreshments and we found out the drinks had green tea in them... Awkward... We cleaned up, ate dinner, and we stayed home so that Hermana Ayala could feel better.
Sunday: WE HAD 7 INVESTIGATORS AT CHURCH TODAY! 7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We've only had 1 investigator at church every week this past transfer, and it's a part-member family that comes every week. So, the fact that new people came to church today is huge! The Garcia family came as well as one of our investigators in Naches and two sisters that are so awesome. After church, a member invited us over for dinner, so we went. 20 miles later... She made us tacos. And they were divine. But I never got my third taco.
Some awesome things I've learned this week:
1. The Atonement is real and wouldn't have worked were it not for love.
2. We all have the talent of repentance, but if we don't repent, we bury that talent and will ultimately be punished for it. Repent.
3. True joy can be found when you reach out to others in love and they accept that love in return.
Something I'm grateful for this week:
MUSIC! Can I tell you of my love for music? I held a violin for the first time in over a year this week, and I just got super happy. I played for about an hour. I'm pretty sure Hermanas Brighton, Bailey, and Ayala were super annoyed with me, but I was happy. #gratitude
Well, have a miraculous week y'all! TTFN! Ta ta for now!
Con MUCHO amor,
Hermana Kennedy
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