Wow! This week was crazy busy! Here's the brief rundown:
Monday: We had three awesome lessons. One with an investigator. We taught the Law of Chastity. He committed to live it. One with a less-active family. We watched the Restoration, and they committed to be awesome missionaries. One with a part-member family about gaining testimonies. It went super well, and the non-member spouse really wants to get baptized! They're just waiting for a divorce from the wife's previous husband so that they can get married. :) For cute.
Tuesday: Did some service at the food bank. I can now spot a bad green pepper from a mile away. We walked. A LOT. No complaints. I got sunburnt. We got to talk to a lot of seriously cool people. We also saw a less-active family, a single mom with 7 kids. She is my hero. One of our on-dates had a breakdown session with us. She has had a lot of problems/ drama since she accepted a date to be baptized. Seriously. If you know Mexican drama, times that by 10 and you get her drama. Ugh. But she's still going strong! She's trying to separate from her boyfriend while finding a job and taking care of her 3 kids. She is Superwoman. Then we saw a recent convert family that's preparing to go to the temple! They're the best! The love the gospel so much! They make me excited to find more people like them!
Wednesday: We had an awesome district council. Which the President and his wife attended. it threw us all for a little loop. But, it was amazing. After, we did some service at the food bank. I now know the code for corn. And peas. And then we went to see some people, but all our appointments fell through, so we walked and found this lady that was washing her car. We asked if we could help, and she said yes! NOBODY EVER LETS US SERVE THEM! So, we took off our shoes and washed that car like there was no tomorrow! Sure she was English. Sure she's agnostic. And sure we got soaked and sunburnt. But that one hour of service was worth it. Always find ways to serve others! Mosiah 2:17. Then we ran to the mission office (because we parked there) and told the senior couples our miracles, and one of the couples found out that we didn't have dinner, so they invited us over for dinner! We quickly saw a less-active that is super sick and we had an awesome dinner with them. Then we spent the rest of the night getting lost. It was kind of fun.
Thursday: Did some service at the Salvation Army. We're tight with the ladies there now. We saw a less active family that wants to come back to church and then we saw a new member that just moved in. She's from Utah. Her husband is Peruvian and she's learning Spanish, so they go to the Spanish branch here. She's super awesome, and we can't wait to get to know her.
Friday: Weekly planning. I also found out where President and Sister Lewis live. Now we can creep on them all we want. We had an awesome lesson with one of our investigators. She loved 3 Nephi 11, but she's super busy as a single, working mom, so... Then we had dinner with one of the Spanish members. I never knew fried chicken and tortillas could go together, but they can! We went to try a less-active family, but they weren't home. As we were going to leave, their neighbor started talking to us, so we talked to her, taught the Restoration, and she seems to be really interested! But, we had to refer her to the English elders. :( And then we went home and finished planning.
Saturday: We walked for a while. Met some cool people. Found a guy that wanted to pray with us after we talked to him about the Book of Mormon. Found and gave water to three super skinny adorable kittens. Got sunburnt. And then, we had an awesome lesson with this guy and his wife. They are so ready for the gospel! They are thirsting for it. They couldn't wait to start reading the Book of Mormon! And then we found out they were in the elder's area.
Sunday: Church. Dinner. Surprise fireside that (guess what) the full-time missionaries had to sing at. It was an amazing fireside, though, so no complaints here! Except that President Lewis wants us to go Christmas caroling now... That's actually not a bad idea. I'm down.
And that was the (simplified?) version of my week! Hope yours was miraculous! Love you!
Con mucho amor,
Hermana Kennedy
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